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 What Is A Local Business?

A local business can be locally owned or operated or a corporation operating in a certain area with many different locations. A local business is a place in which people sell clothing, foods, books, or whatever it may be to people in their area, community, or city. There are many unique things about Austin, and especially, a lot of unique local businesses. During COVID, many of these stores have not been receiving many profits. Online shopping has become very popular, these local stores have to compete with big corporations, and online stores, so especially now it is important to support local businesses. Supporting local businesses is important because they generally leave a smaller carbon footprint than larger businesses, they also generally donate money to other local non-profits.

It is really important to help in any way you are able to, and shopping at local businesses and boutiques is one of the best ways to. Here is a list of some local businesses and thrift stores:

Thrift Stores in Austin 

  • Goodwill (North Lamar)

  • Goodwill Boutique (Chimney Corners)

  • APA Thrift (Austin Pets Alive)

  • Texas Thrift Store

  • Top Drawer Thrift

  • Savers

Austin Local Businesses:

  • End of an Ear (record shop)

  • Waterloo Records (record shop)

  • Terra Toys (toy shop)

  • Black Pearl Books (book store)

  • Wood and Rose (clothes)

  • Triple Z Threadz (clothes)

How To Help: Welcome


The fast fashion industry makes use of impulse buying as well. Impulse buying is whenever you purchase something you hadn’t planned to before. Consumers have a positive feeling when buying clothing they view as a bargain. Fast fashion companies are quick to exploit this feeling by having large sales, discount codes, coupons, limited time offers, and other deals to make the consumer feel like they’re “cheating the system” and spending less money. Once consumers have experienced that positive feeling, they’re more likely to impulsively purchase from that company in order to feel that again. Not only are they getting a good deal in their eyes, they are also getting a new piece of trendy, fun clothing. 

Unfortunately impulse buying leads to a lot of non-necessary purchases. Clothes that were a spur of the moment decision and then are worn once or twice before they “go out of style” and are thrown off. This is bad for the consumer and the environment. Customers often end up spending much more on impulse purchases than necessary pieces in their wardrobe. To the average consumer a flimsy flashy tank top for $3 that you’ll wear a couple of times is often a much easier investment than the $25 dollar alternative that will last longer and is produced more ethically. 

Impulse buying also goes hand in hand with overconsumption. When the global economy rose in the 90’s, so did the consumption of fashion. Many people now had money to spend on not only necessities but non-necessities as well. The excitement that came from the increase in income led to rises in over-consumption of these non-necessary clothing items. This issue is recent enough that a lot of consumers haven’t been able to really experience or see the consequences of overconsumption, therefore, they don’t keep it in mind while shopping. 

What is a thrift store? A thrift store or thrift shop, is a place that sells second-hand clothes and other household items. Generally a percentage of the proceeds from thrift stores go to a cause. For example, Goodwill. Since 1902ish, Goodwill has been giving proceeds to community organizations and programs, for example job training and / or classes for people who have been challenged with finding employment.

How To Help: Welcome
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